

Life has almost passed me by!!  The last month has been jam-packed and crazy busy due to finals, graduation, and then immediately moving and trying to plan for Central America.  So far I have managed to sell my furniture, change my addresses, donate about 1/2 of my belongings (literally), and re-organize everything I own into Rubbermaid containers and heavy duty boxes.  As of this month, all of my possessions are finally in one city and stored in the same place.  I have to admit that after the past 6 years of myself and my belongings being schlepped across the entire state of AZ I was beginning to feel a little scattered.  Now that all my stuff is simply packed and in one city, I'm just a regular old hobo.
Living out of a backpack for the next 10 solid weeks, at least, has to be the craziest idea I've had yet.  I've only been to Mexico and some parts of the US, but I've never really been overseas.  Not to mention I've never been on an actual long flight, done laundry in a sink, not understood the language that surrounded me, so this is going to be a VERY different experience.  Tengo un poco miedo porque no practique mi español para tres semanas, también.  ¡Espero que todo estará bien y vaya a recordar como hablar!
So far, the plan is to fly into Costa Rica, travel south to Panama and Bocas del Toro and then we're going to shimmy up the leg of land hitting both the Pacific and the Caribbean sides of the region.  I'll post a more exact list of what cities we'll be visiting before I take flight, but I know that were going to be able to see some volcanoes, the rain forest, Tikal and other ruins, and we're definitely going to spend some time on some beautiful beaches.  Beaches are great because they're free. :)  We're planning to fly out on the 29th of May (this Saturday), and I know we'll be back sometime in the early 20's of June.  I should have about 2 weeks back in the states before I fly out again, which kind of complicates things because I will have no where to live and all of my stuff will be in boxes.  (So if anyone wants to put me up for a few days, you'd be an amazing person for life in my book!)
I still need to find clothes and shoes that I can wear while traveling, so this week will consist of packing like mad, shopping like a mo'fo', and hopefully relaxing and drinking in between.  However, I still feel like I have so much to do that it's getting to be slightly overwhelming.


First Obstacles, First Triumphs

Welp, the good news is that I only have two more finals left and it looks like I'm still going to graduate thus far. (sarcastically spoken, but I'm only half joking.  I always have this terrible thought that I'll find out at the last minute that I'll have to stay at ASU for another semester for some dumb reason.)  I gave my notice to my work, my bills holders, banks, and my landlord.  My landlord already decided who is going to take my spot at the studio, which is great.  The only thing is...OH YA I STILL HAVE TO MOVE OUT, HA!  
I think the first obstacle that I have to get through is to figure out what to do with all this stuff!! So many people expressed interest in purchasing my (gorgeously nice) things, but are now backing out...SHIT.  So what do you do when you're supposed to be leaving in 20 days and you still have an apartment of crap to get rid of...YARD SALE!!
That's right, May 14-16th I'm selling my stuff in my front yard.  I'm not gonna lie either, I'm going to be drinking in my front yard making a good time of it if anyone's down to help or hang out. 
And to everyone else- BUY MY SHIT.  And no, I won't sell you stuff for $.50 because as you know inflation creates inflated prices. (Sorry, but I'm trying to fund a trip here people!)
I think that's sufficient for a shameless plug, don't you?
Don't forget. May 14th-16th, my house.  Call me/text me/write me and I will give you directions, and I will love everyone who helps...or drinks with me...or buys my stuff...or just comes by to say farewell!!

PS- These pictures are from my personal collection. (AKA I took them)  You know I love to share, but I do ask that if anyone use or reference the photos please do show credit where it's due.  "Photo/Photography by Stephanie Rogers" if you don't mind...I really would like to publish these someday...I just need the funding...


And she's off....

Holy cow I can't believe the time has already come!  Today was the last day of classes, and now I only have a couple of papers and four tests before I officially graduate from Arizona State University.  Everyone keeps telling me what a big accomplishment it is, but since I already decided that I want to attend graduate school it feels like a minor accomplishment towards bigger goals.  None the less, I am extremely excited to have a "normal" life for about a year before grad school apps are due.
So, what the heck am I going to do for an entire year?  As all of you already know I don't know what to do with myself when I actually have spare time, so instead of spending the summer here in Tempe I have made the decision to branch out and see the world before life gets serious again.  I really hope that by the end of this summer I will have seen about 20 different countries in about two months.  However, before I can leave I have to get my affairs in order. I already have a passport, I gave notice to my work, my landlord, and I think I have managed to get my bills all covered for the time that I'll be away.  The only thing I have left to do is to sell what belongings I have here in Tempe before I leave.  This way I won't have to pay to store my cheap IKEA furniture while I'm away, and hopefully it'll pad my pocket with some last minute cash I can take with me on the trip.  For some reason I thought leaving this place would be a little more complicated.  I thought there would be a lot more involved with planning this trip or an extra long leave of absence, but I guess it really is that easy to just pack-up-and-leave.  
I'm definitely not really going to miss living in Phoenix, but as with every city I have moved to and away from I will miss some of the people I will leave behind.  Hence, I started this blog.  Some call it nerdy, but to me-- to me, it will hopefully be a good way to keep in touch with many people as well as have some place for people to contact me since I will be without a phone for awhile.  I will still have my facebook account as well, but I figured this site would be a little more private, and I could post more pictures here as well since it takes so long to upload them on FB. 
So far I am hoping to visit Cancun, Belize, Honduras, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Panama, El Salvador, and Costa Rica on the first leg of my trip.  If anyone has any experience in these areas I would love to hear your stories and see pictures from your own adventures!  Tips and advice are always welcome as well since I have never really been out of the country let alone backpacking through the rain forest.
I hope this post finds everyone exceptionally well, and leave your comments below!

Oh ya- I forgot my shameless plug - May 14th-16th I'll be having a yard sale to sell all my stuffs for those who would like to come by and show their support!  Bring a beer and a smile, and I would love to say good-bye before I leave!