
First Obstacles, First Triumphs

Welp, the good news is that I only have two more finals left and it looks like I'm still going to graduate thus far. (sarcastically spoken, but I'm only half joking.  I always have this terrible thought that I'll find out at the last minute that I'll have to stay at ASU for another semester for some dumb reason.)  I gave my notice to my work, my bills holders, banks, and my landlord.  My landlord already decided who is going to take my spot at the studio, which is great.  The only thing is...OH YA I STILL HAVE TO MOVE OUT, HA!  
I think the first obstacle that I have to get through is to figure out what to do with all this stuff!! So many people expressed interest in purchasing my (gorgeously nice) things, but are now backing out...SHIT.  So what do you do when you're supposed to be leaving in 20 days and you still have an apartment of crap to get rid of...YARD SALE!!
That's right, May 14-16th I'm selling my stuff in my front yard.  I'm not gonna lie either, I'm going to be drinking in my front yard making a good time of it if anyone's down to help or hang out. 
And to everyone else- BUY MY SHIT.  And no, I won't sell you stuff for $.50 because as you know inflation creates inflated prices. (Sorry, but I'm trying to fund a trip here people!)
I think that's sufficient for a shameless plug, don't you?
Don't forget. May 14th-16th, my house.  Call me/text me/write me and I will give you directions, and I will love everyone who helps...or drinks with me...or buys my stuff...or just comes by to say farewell!!

PS- These pictures are from my personal collection. (AKA I took them)  You know I love to share, but I do ask that if anyone use or reference the photos please do show credit where it's due.  "Photo/Photography by Stephanie Rogers" if you don't mind...I really would like to publish these someday...I just need the funding...

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