
San Jose, here I come!!!

I know it's been awhile, but since my last post I managed to sell almost all of my things, pack and move the remainder of my stuff to a city over 100 miles away, broke my lease and suspended my cell phone. Once I got to Tucson I only had a few short days to say hi to friends and family, and then I was off again!! Since I was flying standby and line at Phoenix International were huge in the morning, I ended up opting to take a red eye flight with a layover in Charlotte, North Carolina in order to end up in San Jose. ( BTW, North Carolina doesn't serve alcohol before noon on Sundays. Rule #1 about traveling: If you have to take a red eye flight, make sure you're landing someplace where you can actually get a Bloody Mary in the am.) I know, I know, I was supposed to start in Cancun but I thought it was a great idea to do the trip backwards. Honestly, I think that method is almost better because I was able to connect with other travelers that were coming south and could give you advice on the sites that sucked or pass along info about the good places to stay and what cities to avoid.

Disaster struck in Guatemala right as I left too. Everyone should seriously keep the people in Guatemala in their thoughts because since I left on May 29th there have been two volcanic eruptions, two sink holes, a hurricane, and now gang violence has left 4 people headless and the citizens are getting caught up in the violence. I'm heartbroken that I had to skip Guatemala and El Salvador because of such issues, but what can you do? The world's a crazy place sometimes. I think the thing that cracks me up the most is that the media makes is sound like the cities are devastated, but if you talk to the locals and the travelers the city's starting to return to normal.

Anyway, I've mixed in a few photos of the beginning of the trip, as you can obviously tell. I will try to post short stories with more photos that way you guys don't have to listen to too much jibba jabba from me. ;) And I'm working on this while I am traveling to the EU, so don't expect mountains of posts just yet. Although traveling has been a disaster today and I'm currently stuck at the airport so there may be a few new things to read by the time the ticket counter reopens at 4am here-time.

Peace, Love, Pura vida, Take care, and Keep in Touch! -- Steph

This is a picture from the Taxi taking me from the airport to my hostel in San Jose, Coasta Rica!

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