
Pita Bread according to The Fresh Loaf

Hey there home slices!  I know it's been a really long time, but enough people have bugged me with enough questions that I decided to start up the 'ol blog again. 

Recently a lot of people have been asking me about some of my lifestyle choices, and no I am not referring to anything taboo. I'm talking about bread. B-R-E-A-D.  I decided when I came back to the states that 1) I was too broke to buy $4+ loaves of bread, and 2) most of the affordable breads had a bunch of crap in them that I didn't even recognize.  (I've worked in the food industry for about 10 years, so I can recognize a majority of ingredients and their functions, but modern foods have gotten ridiculous!)

SO, tonight's project is pita bread.  I know a lot of people are thinking to themselves that it sounds like it takes a loooong time, or it's "too hard." Welp, I'm here to tell you that if you have half your wits about you most people's schedules can accommodate this recipe, and IT'S EASY.  I would like to thank the folks at The Fresh Loaf (http://www.thefreshloaf.com/recipes/pitabread) for tonight's recipe, and note the plethora of information available on their website.  CHECK IT OUT.

3 C. Flour                    1 1/2 tsp. Salt
1 Tbs sugar/honey       1Pkt. yeast (~2 tsp)
1 1/4- 1 1/2 C. H2O    2 Tbs Olive Oil

See that!?!  SIX ingredients.  That's all you need.

First off, start by mixing your dry ingredients together in your mixing bowl.  (Flour+salt+quick/fast rise yeast)

*If you're using regular yeast, I'll fill you in at the end*
Turn on your mixer, and add your ROOM temperature liquid ingredients slowly to the dry mix. (Water+ olive oil+ honey)
Once your ingredients are combined, allow the mixer to continue mixing for ~10 mins.  If you would rather work out some aggression, knead the dough for 10 mins. instead of utilizing your mixer.
The mixing part doesn't take long, but the rising will take approx. 90 mins. 
This is a great time to get some stuff done around the house. HINT :)  For instance, right now I'm writing this entry while my pita dough rises.
Once the dough has doubled in size, punch it down and divide the dough into 8 equal portions (baseball size portions).  Roll each portion into a ball and let your balls rest for about 20 mins ;)  Yet another brilliant chance to get something else done.  Preheat your over to 500F with either your baking stone in the oven, or an upside down cookie sheet.  Whatever you have on hand will work.
Once your dough is proofed, roll it out into circles.  You can use a rolling pin, the wine bottle you just emptied, or whatever's roundish and handy.  Spritz a schosh of water onto your baking surface to create some humidity in the oven.  You don't need a ton, just enough to hear some sizzle. (You have to admit it's a little arousing!)
The dough circles should puff in one to two mins, flip them over for about another min more and they're DONE.  Done I tell you!

*If you're using regular yeast, heat up your water to about 130F and add your sweetener (sugar/honey). Then, add your yeast.  They yeast eats the sugars and causes them to multiply in the water creating a foamy surface in about 5 mins.  After you have activated your yeast, add this liquid to your oil and dry substances to create your pita dough.

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