
Better desserts for bad cravings

When my boyfriend and I had a sudden urge to make hot fudge sundaes we realized that a lot of the jarred fudges contained tons of nasty ingredients like partially hydrogenated oils (Scary transfats!).  But did this stop us from enjoying our magical sundaes?  HELL NO.

Better Hot Fudge
1 Can Sweetened Condensed Milk
6 oz. Chocolate Chips ( 1/2 package of Dark/Milk/Whatever you prefer)
2 Tbs. Cocoa Powder
2 Tbs Butter.

Heat up a sauce pan on medium heat.  Melt the butter in the bottom of the sauce pan, pour in sweetened condensed milk, chocolate chips, and cocoa powder.  In seconds the ingredients start to melt together into an amazing hot fudge sauce.

I imagine once this fudge cools you could even use it as an icing, or in the middle of cakes as well.

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